
iGovernment, A Sustainable Form of A Government in 21 Century

Implementation Plan

Of course it is not easy to implement such a system from any of the current political systems of government. Depending upon the current political system of the country that would like to adopt this system, the implementation will take commitment and perseverance. However, since the powerful in every system has the control over the army, police, media and economic systems, in most cases it requires a revolution to change a political system. Therefore, this chapter is dedicated to those people that see a bright future for humankind and despite the difficulties are willing to adopt this system.

In capitalistic countries that would like to adopt this system the following needs to take place: The first step will be initiated at the city council level. The current city council members will work as a transition team giving their positions to three economists, sociologists, and political academia from local universities, business leaders, school districts, and other trusted members of society utilizing the above constitutions to write the city charter and start organizing the local government. During this transition period, the previous city council members will work for 6 months in this transition. The new members will be the first group of 40-year eligible citizens serving their term. Since the testing and screening system has not been established yet, only people with doctorate degrees will fill out these posts. In lack of enough doctorate degrees, people with MBA and Master’s degrees will fill out the senatorial position and the rest will require Bachelor’s degrees down to high school degrees. All laws have to be reviewed by the sociologists and economists in each HOA, but will be approved by the majority of the members in the HOA.

The city superior court will invite all the judges in the city to write the manual and any other rules and regulations in regards to the new court system as it was described in section 9. It is important to note that in systems like the US, the attorneys are part of the problems and they would resist this change. However, in other societies like the Middle East and Europe, this might be easier. In either case close attention from the HOA needs to be given to the rules and regulations set by the previous legal systems. Laws have to be rewritten in such a way that a high school graduate can read, understand and be able to follow and implement them. These members will work with the current senate and house members to rewrite the laws required by the new HOA members in simple language. The litmus test described above will apply to every law that is written. Economists, sociologists and historians will work with local HOAs to establish the first tax law for the next year budget. This budget for next 5 years will be exempt from the penalties, as this needs to be reregulated as people come into the system. Teachers and professors will get together to establish a curriculum based on the new school system described in the charter system complete with all logistics that are required to implement this system. Police will be responsible for maintaining the cities against any violence and start reporting the violators to the local HOAs and courts for punishment set forth in this manifesto. The first violators will be given a warning and let go and if it is repeated then the punishment will take place. The accountants will help people to assess their wealth. They are entitled to get paid from the tax collector 100% of value of their principal residence if they own it or place of business in form of credit towards leasing the land for the next 100 years once the land lease laws are established. Other rental or vacation properties they own would go to the local HOA and they only get the lease value of the building, not the land, in lieu of their original investment only if they can provide evidence of spending actual cash on the acquiring of that property. The owners can live and operate in these lands until the HOAs establish the law regarding the compensation. In either case, all compensations are in the form of tax credit towards land lease only and will not be in the form of cash.

If it is an agricultural land the farmer will continue his work but will pay a portion of his income towards leasing the land from people. If it is a factory, again the land would go to HOA and the factory owner needs to pay an annual lease for the land. Every person is entitled to have a home as their primary residence.

Head of forces in military will get together and start setting up the transition from the current military complex to a people-based system. Nothing in this system is hidden from the people under the umbrella of National Security. If the people of this society are used for defending the interest and the borders of the country, they have the right to know everything about the military operation. Also, since everyone serves their country one year of their life when they are finishing high school and continue this service one week per year, they will be involved to know about every strategy and move the country is taking. This strategy and operation has to be approved by the entire population and not behind closed doors.

The state senate facility will be used for convening HOA meetings and establishing this system. The governors and all their cabinet members will be preparing the houses for such transition under the control of HOA and they will work with the new members for 6 months as a transition committee.

None of the previous compensation laws will be carried over specifically for senators and presidents of the previous system of government. They will be taken care of like any other ordinary citizen in this system.

In general any transition is difficult, specifically when the previous stake holders’ interest is at jeopardy. Therefore, extreme measure is required during this transition period to make sure that no interest group would derail this revolution. It is a natural human instinct to scup out more for themselves when they are in power. It is a responsibility of others to make sure this will not take place during this time. The violators will be punished severely by confiscating all their possessions and demoting them to street cleaners for the rest of their lives without the possibility of reconsideration. This is to make sure no one will even think about any selfinterest.

My message to people is to trust this system and I promise everyone to have a bright future and peace.

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