
iGovernment, A Sustainable Form of A Government in 21 Century


We, the citizen of planet Earth, pledge that all human beings are equal regardless of origin, race, color, or nationality

The Constitution

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The Chapters of the proposed constitution of iGovernment thus reflect the outline of a system that is based on equality, justice, liberty and fraternity, not in letters alone;

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America is a country of infinite possibilities, yet the alchemy of power politics always diluted our inherent spirit and vitality. Ever since I started reading and observing on our political system, I was equally fascinated and disillusioned about the destiny of our country which has witnessed many ups and downs. My interest in pursuit of a better system of governance for America leads me to the complex problems that the people face world over and the sheer apathy of our political class towards it.

I sadly understood that even though democracy is a relatively better system of governance, the complex mosaic of interactions between the ruling elite and the people continue to shape the future landscape of this democracy. Many aspects of our society are still puzzling and paradoxical. The book indeed reflects my ideas in pursuit of a better world. The book is a manifestation of a series of profoundly significant issues which have haunted me beyond the boundaries of nation and geography.  Read More
